Tips to make your house more energy efficient

Making your Pasadena, TX area home energy efficient not only helps the environment, it also helps you save money on your energy bills.

Here are some tips from us at Roberts Family Insurance on how to make your house more energy efficient:

1. Install energy-efficient light bulbs

Switching to LED or CFL lightbulbs can reduce your electricity bill and help you save money over time.

2. Unplug appliances and electronics when not in use

Even when turned off, these devices still draw power from their outlets. Unplugging them when not in use can prevent unnecessary electricity use.

3. Seal air leaks in your home

Home air leaks can increase your energy bills significantly, so it’s important to properly seal any holes or cracks around windows and doors with caulking or weather stripping.

4. Replace old appliances with Energy Star-rated models

Energy Star-rated appliances are much more efficient than older models, so you can save money and help protect the environment at the same time. 

5. Invest in renewable energy sources

Solar panels, wind turbines, and other renewable sources of energy are now becoming more accessible than ever before and offer a great way to reduce your environmental footprint while also saving money on utility costs down the road. 

Keep Your Home Insurance Updated

With a few simple steps, you too can make your house more energy efficient while protecting the environment and saving money in the long run! For more tips on how to make your house more energy efficient, give us a call at Roberts Family Insurance today. We proudly serve the Pasadena, TX area and would be happy to help you. We are also great if you’re looking for a new home insurance policy.