Financial Assistance in Legal Fees with Home Insurance Related Issues

Home insurance protects property from damage and offers financial assistance in legal matters. The scope of coverage for legal fees in various situations is essential for homeowners around Friendswood, TX.

Legal Defense Coverage

Many home insurance policies include coverage for legal defense expenses in case of lawsuits related to damages or personal injury happening on the home or landowner’s property. This coverage aids in paying for legal fees, court costs, and settlements if you are found liable for damages.

Liability Protection

Home insurance liability coverage covers legal expenses and filing a lawsuit against you after getting hurt on your land. This coverage aspect safeguards your assets and provides financial aid during legal proceedings concerning personal injury claims. 

Laws vary between states regarding no-trespassing rules. Not everyone wants someone walking through their property. These cases are the most unfortunate because sometimes the property owner doesn’t know someone is on their property until it’s too late. 

Coverage for Property Disputes

Home insurance may also offer coverage for legal fees arising from property disputes, such as boundary disputes with neighbors or disagreements over property lines. This coverage assists in meeting legal expenses incurred in resolving such disputes, including attorney fees and court costs.

Most cases involve tree branches or other overhanging items over property lines. Then, these items become the culprits behind injury or property damage. 

Additional Legal Assistance

Some home insurance policies provide optional coverage extensions or endorsements that furnish additional legal assistance. These may include coverage for contractor disputes or legal expenses related to landlord-tenant issues, especially if you rent a property.

Let Roberts Family Insurance Give You the Information

Roberts Family Insurance is here to assist you with all your home insurance queries. We cover the Friendswood, TX, area. Contact us today. 

Home Fire Statistics

At Roberts Family Insurance, we are proud to help protect some of the most valued possessions of our insured families in the Friendswood, TX, area. Fire damage is one of the disasters covered by a basic homeowners’ insurance policy.

How often do home fires occur, what are likely to be the causes, and what, on average, is the cost to repair home fire damage? Here is a closer look.

What Is the Main Cause of House Fires?

The most common cause of house fires in the U.S. is cooking. Cooking is the source of about half of all home fires. The second most frequent cause is electrical systems and lighting.

Are House Fires Becoming More Common?

House fires have actually reduced by almost half in the past several decades. Ironically, damage costs from those fires have almost doubled during that time.

Is There a Peak Season for House Fires?

The most popular months for house fires are December and January. House fires are also more likely to occur on a Saturday or Sunday.

What Are Average Damages From a House Fire?

Small house fires cost between $4,000 and $5,000, with larger fires costing an estimated $7,000 to $10,000.

What Types of Property Damage Can Result From a House Fire?

Besides the obvious damage from the fire itself, damage to a home from a fire can result from intense heat, smoke, water, and potentially mold. Houses that experience even larger fires may become uninhabitable until repairs are done.

Get Your Home Insurance Quote Today

If you have questions about your homeowner’s insurance and your coverage, we encourage you to contact Roberts Family Insurance. We can conduct a home insurance policy review and provide a no-obligation quote. If you live in the Friendswood, TX, area, reach out to us at Roberts Family Insurance today.

Natural Disasters and Home Insurance: Ensuring Adequate Coverage

At Roberts Family Insurance, serving Friendswood, TX, and its neighboring areas, we are here to protect your home from natural disasters. Robust insurance coverage is our priority. Understanding how your home insurance shields you against these events is crucial for comprehensive protection.

Assessing Coverage for Natural Disasters

Your home insurance policy typically includes coverage for certain natural disasters like windstorms or lightning strikes. However, coverage for floods, earthquakes, or hurricanes may require separate policies or endorsements. Review your policy to understand the specific coverage and any limitations.

Customizing Coverage for Your Region

Living in an area prone to particular natural disasters necessitates tailored coverage. For instance, if you reside in a flood-prone region, obtaining separate flood insurance might be essential. Evaluate the need for additional coverage based on the prevalent risks in your area.

Reduce Your Risks Through Preparedness

Preventive measures can significantly reduce potential damage. Strengthen your home’s resilience against natural disasters by implementing protective measures such as reinforcing roofing, installing storm shutters, or elevating electrical systems.

Supplementary Flood Insurance

Standard home insurance often excludes coverage for flood-related damages. Considering a separate flood insurance policy can be crucial, especially if your area is susceptible to flooding. Explore and obtain adequate flood coverage to safeguard your home.

Protect Your Home Today!

Our team specializes in customizing policies to ensure comprehensive coverage against various natural disasters, securing your home effectively. Natural disasters pose a threat to your home’s safety. Make sure your insurance policy offers sufficient coverage to shield your most valuable asset.

Here at Roberts Family Insurance, serving Friendswood, TX and surrounding areas, we’re committed to assisting you in securing comprehensive protection against unexpected disasters that can occur. Connect with us today to safeguard your home effectively!

Does my home insurance cover my unattached buildings, such as my garage and shed?

Keeping up your Friendswood, TX homeowners insurance is just as important as any other home security. It’s also important to understand what exactly your policy covers and what your excursions are. At Roberts Family Insurance, we work to make sure our clients have all the information they need to make the best-informed choices for themselves and their families about their home protection.

Coverage B, Or Other Structures Coverage

Coverage for other structures on your property is part of every standard homeowners policy. This coverage protects any unattached structure, such as a detached garage, a gazebo, a storage shed, or even a guest house.

Attached structures are covered under the regular dwelling coverage. For instance, an attached garage or deck will be covered here. This distinction is important because your "other structures" coverage is usually set at 10% of your overall policy limits, so you need to make sure that your detached structures have enough protection,.

Is a Built-In Swimming Pool an "Other Structure?"

This depends on your insurer and should be spelled out in your policy.  Make sure that you understand how your pool is categorized by your insurance company.

You should also make sure that you are following any other rules your insurer may have about your pool. Swimming pools are "attractive nuisances," meaning that they are both potentially dangerous and attractive to children. Your insurer may also have a rule that you keep a fence around your pool.

Consult With Us

Making sure you have the right protection for your Friendswood, TX home can save you from a future disaster. If you have any questions about your homeowners policy or if you would like to add more protection to your other structures, call Roberts Family Insurance today.

Making sure your home is ready for an emergency

Emergencies happen no matter where you live, but Texas is the most disaster-prone state in the country. Being prepared is a necessity for most people. In Friendswood, TX, our team at Roberts Family Insurance helps by providing home insurance that can offer a level of protection that is necessary. For floods, flood insurance is an additional insurance necessity. 

It is hard to prepare for tornados and flooding which are common in Texas every year. But there are things you can do to prepare for these and any other emergencies that may come up. 

Preparation For Home Emergencies


Place all of your important documents, including your home insurance, in one place. Place them in a fireproof and water-resistant container. Know where it is and be able to grab it if you have to evacuate. This will save a lot of headaches later on if you do it before it happens. 

Floodproof your home

Boilers, utilities, and HVAC equipment are often located at the lowest level of a home. If possible move them off that level or place them on a raised platform to keep them out of the danger of water. 

Create a fire zone around your home

Wildfires are a potential emergency and making sure there is a fire-resistant barrier around your home is important and also having an outdoor water source. 

Find a safe place

If there is a tornado warning get to a safe place. A storm shelter or an interior without windows is best. 

Have supplies

Having a generator can provide the electricity that you need to keep your refrigerator or HVAC system operating. Keep an ample supply of bottled water and food for you and any pets you may have. 

Reach Out To Us

Contact our experienced team at Roberts Family Insurance in Friendswood, TX with all your home insurance needs. 

Tips to make your house more energy efficient

Making your Pasadena, TX area home energy efficient not only helps the environment, it also helps you save money on your energy bills.

Here are some tips from us at Roberts Family Insurance on how to make your house more energy efficient:

1. Install energy-efficient light bulbs

Switching to LED or CFL lightbulbs can reduce your electricity bill and help you save money over time.

2. Unplug appliances and electronics when not in use

Even when turned off, these devices still draw power from their outlets. Unplugging them when not in use can prevent unnecessary electricity use.

3. Seal air leaks in your home

Home air leaks can increase your energy bills significantly, so it’s important to properly seal any holes or cracks around windows and doors with caulking or weather stripping.

4. Replace old appliances with Energy Star-rated models

Energy Star-rated appliances are much more efficient than older models, so you can save money and help protect the environment at the same time. 

5. Invest in renewable energy sources

Solar panels, wind turbines, and other renewable sources of energy are now becoming more accessible than ever before and offer a great way to reduce your environmental footprint while also saving money on utility costs down the road. 

Keep Your Home Insurance Updated

With a few simple steps, you too can make your house more energy efficient while protecting the environment and saving money in the long run! For more tips on how to make your house more energy efficient, give us a call at Roberts Family Insurance today. We proudly serve the Pasadena, TX area and would be happy to help you. We are also great if you’re looking for a new home insurance policy.